Nestled within mountains lies a thousand-year-old fortress. From the ancient Aegean city-states’ wars to the sacred Crusades, its outer walls have been baptized by iron and fire for countless times. Numerous heroes perished, countless empires vied, yet the castle still stands tall, much like a old veteran, mocking the ambitious who were thirsty for his blood.

As the battles in [Alexander: The Great] heat up, we’re bringing you with a new Siege Battle map – Mystara Castle!

Mystara Castle is situated in a gorge surrounded by mountains, leaving the southwest and southeast gap to resist enemies. Throughout history, attackers often focus their main attack on the lowlands to the southwest of the castle. Zip lines are particularly effective here, so defenders usually prioritize the southwestern wall for defense.

Also, attackers may blast away the southeastern walls and catch the defenders off guard.

Point A: Street Battle Zone
After breaching the southwestern gate, then attackers have to choose their routes much more wisely. Recklessly penetrating the residential area at Point A risks being trapped in narrow alleys. Attackers should divide their forces and enter from the east to cut off the defenders’ rearguard, allowing the other forces to enter through the main gate without interference.

Point B: No Cavalry Zone
Note that Point B is located atop the wall, making it inaccessible for cavalry units of the Attackers. Only infantry can pass and be summoned at Supply Point at Point B. Compared to Point A, Point B offers a more open view, so perhaps Attackers should consider it as a primary target for trebuchets.

Base: Meat Grinder
The defenders’ base will be accessible once either Point A or B is captured. There are 3 or 4 paths leading to the base from the perimeter, but only the fittest can survive. Cannot imagine how bloody the battles will be in these narrow passages between the walls.
The ultimate battles will occur in the church area of the base, which is dooming to be a “meat grinder”. There are flat terrain, numerous intersections and cluster houses, not a suitable condition for ranged units or cavalry, but a perfect battlefield to reap enemies’ lives for melee fanatics.